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Rachel Loewen

Saskatoon West Federal NDP Candidate

"I believe that the personal is political. I will work to create authentic connections with my constituents and will build communities of practice and engagement. I am dedicated to making a positive impact on the world, one step at a time."

                                                                            Rachel Loewen Walker


"I believe that the personal is political. I will work to create authentic connections with my constituents and will build communities of practice and engagement. I am dedicated to making a positive impact on the world, one step at a time."

                         Rachel Loewen Walker

I am a changemaker, a community builder, an innovator, and a collaborator.

Whether as a professor at the University of Saskatchewan or a community leader, I have worked for effective social programs and for people like you.


I have built relationships with community, non-profit, and local businesses. I have fought for people who have been historically underrepresented. Whether it comes to housing, human rights, access to services, or employment, I am an effective advocate for political and social change. 


Saskatoon West is resilient and diverse. We deserve a seat at the table and I am the bold voice that will get us to Ottawa. 




Rachel Loewen Walker


Rachel's work in service to a courageous future. 

Building queer futures | Rachel Loewen Walker | TEDxUniversityofSaskatchewan
Building queer futures | Rachel Loewen Walker | TEDxUniversityofSaskatchewan
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Building queer futures | Rachel Loewen Walker | TEDxUniversityofSaskatchewan

Community-led research: What is it, and how is it different?
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Community-led research: What is it, and how is it different?

2021- 22 McKercher Speaker Series with Rachel Loewen Walker Law
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2021- 22 McKercher Speaker Series with Rachel Loewen Walker Law

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